ALANA'S REFERRAL : April 25,2006
Why We Want To Adopt
About Rick And Debby
Baby Blasingame
Daughters Of China
Adoption Time Line
What's New?
Poems Of Adoption
Photo Gallery
Alana Danielle's Nursery
Thank You Page!
Contact Us

CLICK HERE! Here is where we will put some of the pictures from China.

CLICK HERE FOR: Pictures of Alana now that she is at home

White Swan Hotel

White Swan in Guangzhou, China

Alana's baby book from the orphanage.


A Child, A Dream, A Family......



Welcome to Our Adoption Journey


Welcome to Rick & Debby's adoption web site. We are thankful for all the support from family and friends that we have received so far. We know we would not be able to do this without all of you. We are looking forward to this journey, but at the same time we understand how hard the paper work and long wait is going to be. The unknown is sometimes a hard road to face, and we are definitely out of our comfort zone right now. From this site we will keep everybody updated about where we are in the process and the general "how we are doing" in our journey. Again, we thank each and everyone of you for the financial help, love, comfort, advice, help, direction,and support. We couldn't have came this far without you.


A Journey To Joy

The journey has been long, many setbacks along the way, Faith tried by pain and heartache, all making sense today.
Who knew that for each pang of pain, tenfold the joy would be,Once your precious little heart made its’ way to me.
Heartache makes life much sweeter once your dreams finally come true, A small and fleeting price to pay for being blessed with you.
Moments filled with disappointment, anger, despair, and grief, Replaced by days of love and laughter, happiness beyond belief.
Looking back, I rarely think about those days that seemed so gray, I am busy basking in the light you bring to every day.

The LOOC Foundation,(Lives Out Of China)

Working Hard To Bring Baby Alana Home!